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When Where & Why

About us
Who we are?

We are a boutique Guide service in Patagonia born from the desire to show guests that visit our country a legitimate experience. Based on our deep roots for the land and waters from this area, the land were we’re born and from which we have learned all of what makes us who we are today. Thanks to this and multi generation guide expertise we can craft unique experiences blending great service, a strong fishing program that presents very different opportunities and environments each day, and with careful attention to detail we’ll work hard to turn it into a trip of a lifetime! Patagonia Drifters was founded by Lucia Garin & Johnny O’Farrell, passionate and hard working artists that take their passion and vision onto everything they do in life.

Lucia was born and raised in town, where her family used to own a small farm right on the shores of one of our favourite spring creeks, sad to think that at the time she did not Fly Fish! But she has been back now and proved that she can catch a few fish! Lucia is involved on developing the image, concept and esthetics of Patagonia Drifters, from our digital branding, clothing development, and attention to every beautiful detail that goes down during the service in Drifters, crafting menus, and assisting our guests, she is all the beauty you’ll see imprinted in Drifters.

Johnny on the other hand grew up on a farm enjoying the benefits of a free and wild childhood, surrounded by a family passionate for Fly Fishing and his dad who was a guide. Learning to love the outdoors as a kid and trying to sneak up on every float, or camping trip he could. In his late teens he started spending time with guests on the water and learning the crafts of guiding and enjoying his passion. After over eight years guiding for different outfitters, Lucia and Johnny decided it was time to share their vision and passion for Patagonia exactly the way they wanted guests to experience it.

The rest is history, hard work and lot’s of passion.

Were are we?

We are located on the shores of the Rio Grande river, on the pristine Valley of Trevelin, a small town founded by welsh settlers. Located just a few minutes away from the town of Esquel (EQS),  where you will find the nearest airport. We are located about 30 minutes away from the EQS Airport, making it very convenient for our guests, having a short and pleasant ride to the Lodge through the beautiful valleys of Esquel and Trevelin.

This region and our program are so interesting due to the geographic variety the area has to offer, you can easily experiment fishing waters that will go from high desert spring creeks, turbulent canyons by the Andes mountain range, and rainforest inside our National Park, all of these ones in the same convenient range. Allowing you to experience not only totally different fishing each day, but also witness the different landscapes and opportunities the region offers!

Why Drifters?

Although there may be many reasons that make us proud of becoming the experience we want to share with guests, we would like to express a few lines about why we think Patagonia Drifters would be the right pick . We are an Argentine owned and runned company that focuses on unique experiences that find the perfect blend between a cultural side, great service and a rich fly fishing program. Our guides are local guides who look not only to exceed expectation, but also to exceed their professionalism, pushing boundaries to become better each season, and there’s no lack of passion on behalf of our guides. We’ve work hard and patiently to build a team of experienced young professionals that have fished hard and learned water and ground like the palm of their hands, filled with energy and enthusiasm looking to help and share knowledge during the learning curve of a beginner angler as well as with those seasoned anglers looking to polish their technic or learn a few tricks, open as well to learn from those fisherman who posses and enjoy sharing fishing theories and knowledge with there guides. Above all, our guides look for that opportunity to connect with the anglers with whom they share time, in more ways than just catching a trout, they will push that extra mile, try until the last fly on the box or laugh the hardest when a fish just outsmarts us, and get you in front of the next one.

We are committed one hundred percent with each guest, interested in their favourite things and eager to find exactly what each one enjoys the most and create a memorable experience. We know you are not in Patagonia every day, so we’ll make sure each day you spend down here is worth every minute of your time.

Getting here!

Traveling to Patagonia may sound like a far away boundary, but let us bring some clarity over this muddy water. Getting down here may be much easier and shorter than what you imagine, average flights from most international airports in the USA to Buenos Aires(our Capital) range from 9 to 11 hours. Mostly these are overnight flights offering the possibility to get some sleep on the way down, once in Buenos Aires checking through customs it’s pretty easy, you claim your bags, and at this point there’s two options.

Those who are ready to fish since they left home will take a shuttle to the domestic airport and catch the next flight south to Patagonia, this would be a two hour short and easy flight to our nearest airport, we pick you up, and half hour latter you are enjoying a nice glass of Malbec to relax after your trip, or stringing up your rod to stretch the line on the shores of the Rio Grande where we are based.  Second option is planning to stay a night or as many as you wish in BA, enjoying the scene and rich history and culture the city has to offer. In cases where connections are tight we, recommend this second option to travel stress free and get the most out of your trip. In any case you’ll be in Argentinian ground in less than 11 hours, and fishing in less than a day!!

Our Season

Runs from November 1st until May 1st. There’s some environments that offer fishing outside this month, contact us to learn more about them and how to combine them with other activities during your visit.

November 1st to December 21st

Great time of the season to visit, temperatures are rising, days are already much longer so you can expect to have daylight until 9 pm!!  In the early season, there’s still some snow on the peaks that along with all the flowers blooming make the scenery something spectacular!

Every way you look it’ll feel like it’s pulled out of a painting.  Since our season is just starting right in the middle of the spring and fish have been waiting all winter for the bug life to get richer and thicker they tend to be very hungry and aggressive.

Their excitement tends to match ours after a long winter waiting to get back on the water!! Spring is as good as it gets!!

December 21st to March 21st

Peak of the season!  Summer time is favourite to most visitors and a great time for guests to escape from the cold US winter and get some good fishing and nice weather into their system! Bug life and terrestrial enjoy those warm temperatures as well, and Hoppers & Beetles become number one on the list of trout diets.

Days are even longer in the summer expecting sunlight past 10pm. Occasionally you can expect very light rains so it’s always good to throw that rain jacket on your bag, but weather tends to be very stable with temperatures that range between 60 to 90 Fº so be ready to enjoy nice Summer days!

March 21st to May 1st

Last but not least! Fall is our most favourite time of the season, although days tend to be shorter, you can still get more than a full day of fishing starting your day at 8 a.m and fishing until 6 p.m with no problem at all. Temperatures obviously drop from the summer time and range between 45 to 80 Fº, but weather can be more stable on the other hand, crisp or foggy mornings are common to see but weather gets nicer as the day goes by.

Trees are starting to turn and witnessing breathtaking views as the fog burns out and reveals the vibrant blue sky contrasting the different coloured tree lines is a common thing. One of our favourite things about the Fall are big brook trout runs into local rivers presenting the possibility to catch record brook trout in rivers, and big browns can also be more aggressive knowing winter is around the corner and there spawning time and feeding window is about to close, presenting great dry fly takes and kicking some of the nicest brown from underneath the cutbacks they’ve been hiding.

That sayd, and if you enjoy cooler temperatures this may be your best option!!


+54 9 2945 331397

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